Happy Birthday Elaina
Nine years of my life and all of yours have led us to today. Happy birthday sweetie.
I love you
Nine years of my life and all of yours have led us to today. Happy birthday sweetie.
This entry spawned from a quick read I had last night from a book entitled: "The Ten Commandments Twice Removed". My wife received it from someone yesterday and handed it off to me shortly after I walked in the door. I accepted it, read it, and had a little study digging up all kinds of past feelings and thought on the subject of the Sabbath and Sundays.
A couple of days ago, I hear this :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: in the kitchen garbage can. My oldest daughter asks me about it and I tell her that it is one of our mice friends in the garbage, and she looks big eyed and concerned about what we should do. So, I cleverly pick up the garbage can and take it out onto the back porch and set it down. I pull off the lid and carefully remove the half full liner to find the mouse in the bottom of the can, trapped and unable to jump high enough to escape the plastic walls of the can. I call my youngest daughter out, and both are leaning over looking down at this captive mouse and talking and laughing at it jump, jump, jumping and getting no where.
My three year old daughter looked at me this morning with this unmistakable expression of "wow, you are my Daddy".
There are times when I jump up and shout it out. There are many more times that I just don't think what I have to say would contribute much to any side other than mine own. That is when I choose to remain silent and listen.